Allowed Gold Cash And Cigarettes On Saudi Airport
Every country has its own custom rules and we must follow all of them in order to safely travel and take Benefits from every thing available.
Every airport has its own rules of allowing things like Gold Cash And Cigarettes so here i will tell you about Allowed Gold Cash And Cigarettes On Saudi Airport to avoid any kind of penalty.
Allowed Cash On Saudi Airports
According to the current law of saudi arab custom you are allowed to carry only 60000 Riyals while traveling from saudi or traveling to saudi arabia.
Similarly in case of Gold you are allowed to carry Gold worth of 60000 Saudi Riyals so that’s will be ok on Saudi Arab Airports.
Allowed Gold On Saudi Airports
In case you are carrying Gold And Cash which is above 60000 saudi Riyals so you must fill a form at saudi custom to avoid any penalties.
In case you didn’t submitted any form at saudi custom and you are carrying Gold And Cash which is above 60000 saudi Riyals in worth then you will face strict penalties and your Gold And Cash will be seized also.
Allowed Cigarettes On Saudi Airports
In case you want to bring cigarette to saudi arab you will be allowed to bring the following quantity without any kind of tax duty
200 Cigarettes
24 Cigars
500 Grams Of Tobacco
If your limit exceed so that things will be seized and you will face penalties.