Saudi Technology Update About Codes
In this technology era no one is much secure online as they must be very careful and must keep their self secure in order to be safe and secure in online field.
In this Saudi Technology Update About Codes issued by Saudi Arabia cyber wing some people’s use advance ways for stealing your personal information and banking data.
Technology experts have warned that attackers are resorting to “fake QR codes” to steal private data, access social networking information, and access information on the telephone.
Attackers are also trying new ways to withdraw money from bank accounts.
Stealer have also begun accessing private data through menus in restaurants and coffee shops.
“There is a difference between barcodes and QR codes,” said Talat Hafiz, secretary general of the media committee at Saudi banks. Barcodes have thick and high lines that are spaced apart and consist of numbers.
Barcodes are used in food and products. It contains the features, price and elements of the product while QR code is commonly used in hospitals, restaurants and markets.
Also used in restaurant menus.
It is also the responsibility of the user to ensure that it is secure. Some QR codes contain numbers that can be deleted and the website can be accessed in case of doubt. In case of doubt, it is important to ensure that the QR code is secure. It detects forgery.