Approved Covid Vaccine In Oman
Every country has its own choices for approving vaccine here I will let you about approved Covid Vaccine in Oman with their proper vaccination doses.
As for now oman has approved the following vaccine in its country and it’s monetary for expats and omani citizen which are as below
BionTech Pfizer Covid Vaccine
CoronaVac Covid Vaccine
Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine
Sputnik V Vaccine
Oman Covid Medical Certificate Online
If you want to upload your information to oman medical athoriy you must follow the steps mentioned below.
First Of all visit Oman Ministry of health This Official Web Portal From Here.
Once you are at the main page you have two options like below
Sign up If You Don’t Have Account
Sign In If You Have Account
You can simply create an account on web portal by just using you email address and once your account is successfully created you need to enter your information.
Some Important Tips
While uploading your information in online portal remember the following points otherwise your application will be rejected
Point No One
Keep in mind to upload your information only in English Language. Information in arabic is not acceptable
Point No Two
You can not open the same application at once in two browsers and by doing so your other application in other browser will be automatically logged out and your account will be suspended for One Hour.
So keep i mains to open the application form only in one tab at a time to avoid suspension of your account.